Saturday, December 10, 2016

About Spokane Marijuana

Although my original intentions for starting Spokane Marijuana was to simply provide an informational web site, it of course has evolved into what we hope will become a model community center. I had no idea what I was getting into, both politically, socially and financially.

A need for a support network that will provide a safe community center type environment for those who have chosen to use medicinal marijuana as an alternative to conventional drugs. This is our mission statement in a nut shell.

Spokane Marijuana

As a social/recreational marijuana user since the late 1970's, I had only considered the use of cannabis as a social tool rather then a medicinal one for many years. In the mid-eighties I sustained a minor to moderate lumbar injury while working. I found while dealing with the several medications and their known side effects, most did little more then put me into a comatose state. I tried smoking at the suggestion of a long time friend, who knew/knows me all to well. Although I was not 100% free of pain, still I could Feel enough of a difference that I started using marijuana as the only pain relief for my day to day chronic pain relief.

It seemed like a given that I would end up having my medicinal marijuana prescription but sadly not for a medicinal as much as for a way to say "Hey I can smoke legally" At this point I must point out that by the written law I have been qualified for use under prop 502 guidelines, however it took yet another, and this time much more sever injury. Again work related but this time a slip and fall that caused damage to cervical, thoracic, and lumber discs, not to mention re-injury to the previous lumber damage that I had sustained. This time however it has been much more of a day to day challenge to manage both pain and a bonus of numbness in both hands. I once again have found some albeit not 100% relief, but still some relief at times as much as 80% I thought "now I really qualify for a cannabis prescription" but still a life changing experience waits.

I have subsequently gone through the hoops to obtain or rather secure if I may, my prescription to use marijuana for medicinal purposes. It really did not take but a couple of visits to realize that what I have been so openly boasting about is to others a very real a very serious part of their day to day regime. What I witnessed on my third trip to the club, was about to change everything I stood for and for once in my life I had enough foresight to see the change manifest itself right before my eyes. You see in the interim of my injury I have been left with lots of free time, and because I was not able to both for legal as well as physical reasons, put the time and energy I had into my failing web service business. In all my infamies wisdom, saw a money making opportunity in the relatively "virgin" cannabis club up rising. Yes maybe I could make a niche in cannabis! Well getting back to my life changing visit, I witnessed something between groups of folks who I come to realize did not all really look like they would fit into any of our typical stereo type rolls, except for one. a small framed withered looking lady who I would guess is in her late 70's early 80's in age, and as I started to watch and observe her every move and reaction verse interaction with others only then did I start to see the real meaning or better yet the real purpose of this club, the entire picture from outside the box, if you will. It was at that very moment I realized that although a particularly useful crutch I realized that the cannabis clubs offer so much more then what we come to think of the clubs, but not by our own realizations but rather the idea that the media, the government, the protesters have come to define the clubs and there meaning are. I have heard over and over the phrase "pot club" as well as "legal drug dealing" but it was not just a place to get herb and hang out avoiding life from day to day, no their was and is so much more that I cannot stop thinking of the things these clubs make available to us,

You see, not until you have witnessed a dying 23 year old man, suffering the effects of radiation treatments for cancer, or the Vietnam veteran who lost both legs no until you witness these people and interact with them will you ever know the true value of a club/community center.

A a given point during my research I found what I will define as an opportunity, a vision to build a community center a place for those to come to and get the support, the stimulation that we must have in order to survive. What I witnessed that morning brought to focus the "real" meaning and purpose of what Spokane Marijuana is destine to be. It will no doubt come to a point with or with out me at the helm that this ship called a "cooperative" is in reality a community, a coming together of man and women with one intent to comfort, console, and support those who are peers of one another. A community gathering place that will be held in a safe, secured, as well as supportive environment free of judgment, free off prejudice, a place to share, and learn and continue to grow as god intended.

I thank you and yet challenge you as well to make a difference in your life, and the life's of hundreds more by supporting the community center.

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